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Nazava wins Get In The Ring COP28 competition

Nazava Wins Get In The Ring Competition at COP 28

Nazava Water Filters wins Get in the Ring COP 28: Unleash the Power of Innovation in Water

December 9, 2023

Dubai, United Arab Emirates 

Nazava Water Filters was one of two water start-ups to win the Get in the Ring pitching event at COP 28 in Dubai. The event brought together four pioneering water startups to Unleash the Power of Innovation in Water. The competition was organized in collaboration […]

Nazava provides 30 Water Filters to National Indonesian Sanitation Summit

Nazava provides 30 Water Filters to National Indonesian Sanitation Summit

Nazava Water Filters attended the 21st annual National City Sanitation Summit held in Soreang, Bandung Regency from June 14-16, 2023. The event organized by the National Alliance of City and Regency Governments Concerned about Sanitation (AKKOPSI) brought together regional government leaders to discuss and develop solutions surrounding sanitation across Indonesia. Nazava played an active role in the conference, serving as an official sponsor of the event, providing 30 drinking stations for […]

Empowering Rural Kenyan Women with Safe Drinking Water

Empowering Rural Kenyan Women with Safe Drinking Water

Providing drinking water is a responsibility held disproportionately by women in the developing world. In rural Kenya, the burden is particularly high as women often must travel long distances to collect water and firewood, and spend hours boiling and cooling water. Learn how Nazava Water Filters help reduce this burden for thousands of Kenyan women. Then read a testimony from a mother who saves time, money, and enjoys better health by using Nazava.

Testimony from Cisimeut Raya Elementary School

Testimony from Cisimeut Raya Elementary School

Cisimeut Raya Elementary School is located in Lebak Regency, about 150 kilometers from Jakarta. As one of the schools that participates in the Nazava Safe Drinking Water for Schools Program, each classroom now has a Nazava Water Filter. Read on to learn how life has changed for students and teachers now that there is safe drinking water is available for all at their school.

In Indonesia, 79 percent of schools do not provide safe drinking […]

Testimony from Mr. Hendra, Nazava Reseller on providing safe drinking water.

Testimony from a Nazava Reseller, Mr. Hendra from Bandung

The vision and mission of Nazava Water Filters to provide safe drinking water to everyone everywhere cannot be accomplished by the Nazava team alone. Nazava therefore provides opportunities for everyone to become and agent of change as a Nazava reseller, spreading the word about safe and affordable drinking water.

About Nazava’s reseller program

Nazava has a network of over […]

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