Annual Report 2022

From the Founders

To reduce diarrhea, waterborne diseases and stunting, decentralized solutions are needed that empower households to purify the water at the point of use. Most rural households don’t have access to a pipe and depend on contaminated sources. Even piped water is often not safe for consumption.

We need to look beyond the pipe, and leave no one behind.

Dear Friends,

We look back to a good 2022 for Nazava Water Filters. Sales of water filters finally returned to pre-pandemic levels and we sold enough to provide five families with safe drinking water every hour of 2022.

In Indonesia we expanded our school program to another 290 schools, reaching nearly 500 schools in total, impacting 80,000 school children with daily access to safe drinking water. We more than doubled our online sales, opened our new factory and headquarters, and ended the year at a high point by winning the top prize in the Bayer Social Innovation Award!

2022 was our first full year in Kenya. We formed partnerships with four national microfinance institutions (MFIs) to reach low income rural households, developed our sales structure, and received overwhelmingly positive feedback from our customers. In total, we sold more than 4000 filters impacting 20,000 rural Kenyans with safe drinking water.

We also saw our role on the global stage grow. We were invited to speak at numerous conferences around the world including the ASEAN Inclusive Business Summit in Cambodia, the Get in the Ring Global Meet-Up & Impact Fest in the Netherlands, and the East Africa Water Conference in Kenya.


Through our long term agreement with UNICEF we provided 10,000 filters in Ukraine. Together with the support of so many friends we first managed to assemble filters in the Netherlands, and later on started manufacturing of filters in the Ukraine by refugees. Thereby not only contributing to the local economy by sourcing local supplies, but also creating employment for the internally displaced people.

Despite our successes, many challenges remain with more than half the world’s population still lacking access to safe drinking water. To reduce diarrhea, waterborne diseases and stunting, decentralized solutions are needed that empower households to purify the water at the point of use. Most rural households don’t have access to a pipe and depend on contaminated sources. In many big cities in Africa and Asia even piped water is often not safe for consumption.

We need to look beyond the pipe. And leave no one behind.

We express our sincere gratitude for all the support we got from so many old and new friends who stood behind our mission and objectives. We look forward to continued success as we work together towards the shared mission of providing safe and affordable drinking water for all!


Guido & Lisa

The Problem

The UN estimates that at least 2.2 billion people still lack access to clean and safe drinking water. However, the actual number may be much higher because of challenges with data collection and overly optimistic estimates. Our assumption is that 4.4 billion people lack access to treated water in their house.

The lack of access to safe drinking water leads to the spread of waterborne diseases, malnutrition, and economic hardships. Globally, there are nearly 1.7 billion cases of childhood diarrheas disease every year, resulting in 525,000 premature deaths.1 Drinking contaminated water is a leading cause of malnutrition and nearly 150 million children are stunted.2 Poor people in the global south spend 10 to 20 times more than people in rich countries on water that is of worse quality.

The issue extends beyond rural areas; even in urban centers, water scarcity and contamination persist. Where water sources exist, whether urban or rural, they are often polluted or too expensive for the most vulnerable populations to afford.3

The global drinking water problem disproportionately affects women who often bear the burden of providing water for their families. Each day women and girls spend 200 million hours collecting and treating water.4

Not only is this a waste of their valuable time, but it also puts women at greater risk of gender based violence. Furthermore, when a family member falls ill from drinking contaminated water, it is often women who must take care of them.

The Solution

Safe, affordable drinking water for less than US$1.50 per month.

Our mission is to provide everyone, everywhere, with safe, affordable drinking water.

The cost of a Nazava Water Filter is about $40. Replacement filters, which last 7000 liters, or about three years, cost only $10.

At a cost of less than $1.50 per month, households using Nazava can save over $100 a year.

We sell our products through micro-finance institutions (MFIs), schools, and NGO partners to reach peri-urban and rural households that earn less than $7 a day. Our school program has reached nearly 500 schools, impacting 80,000 school children with safe drinking water.

Our filters are also used in humanitarian response missions, providing relief in natural disasters. This year our filters provided safe water to 80,000 Ukrainians affected by the war. To date we have sold over 225,000 products, impacting over 563,000 people in more than 32 different countries with safe, affordable drinking water.

2022 Impact

Providing a household with a water filter does not just provide a family with safe drinking water. Users, especially woman, also benefit from better health, time savings, increased disposable income, less waste and reduced indoor air pollution. In total, Nazava Water Filters are certified by the Gold Standard for the Global Goals to directly impact 7 Sustainable Development Goals!

$2.3 million in increased

disposable income

SDG 1 : No Poverty

Drinking water represents a major expense to many low income households in the Global South. Thus by providing safe drinking water at lower costs, households that use Nazava benefit from increased disposable income.

Nazava purified water is 3-4 times cheaper than boiling on LPG and up to 25 times cheaper than buying bottled water.

Users save on average $US 21.62 per filter per year, amounting to $2.3 million in increased disposable income!

Users experience 59% less diarrhea

SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being

In low-income countries piped, well and river water have high chances of contamination.

With Nazava, households get water that is WHO-certified for bacterial removal.

Surveyed users experience 59% less diarrhea after using Nazava.

At schools, children have the option to drink water instead of buying sugary drinks.

Women save on average 2.5 working weeks per year

SDG 5: Gender Equality

In much of the Global South, the burden of providing drinking water is carried by women. Hence, most of our beneficiaries are women who no longer need to waste time collecting firewood or boil water.

Surveyed women save on average 2.5 working weeks per year using Nazava.

Additionally, ⅓ of our employees are women and half of management positions are held by women.

1991 million liters of safe drinking water provided

SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

Nazava Water Filters has provided 1991 million liters of safe and affordable drinking water. That’s enough water to fill 800 olympic sized swimming pools!

At least 563,056 people to date benefit from Nazava purified water.

42 Full Time Employees in Indonesia and Kenya

SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Nazava provides full time employment to 42 people in Indonesia and Kenya and has a total of 45 people that work as commissioned sales agents. In Indonesia, over 100 part time resellers increase their monthly income by 14% by selling Nazava Water Filters.

232,000 tCO2e reduced

SDG 13: Climate Action

Since water filters replace the need to boil water using wood, charcoal or LPG, we reduce carbon emissions. Each filter reduces 0.29 tCO2 equivalent per year as certified by the Gold Standard. Nazava Water Filters have reduced 232,000 tCO2 equivalent to date. That’s equal to driving 52,000 gas-powered passenger vehicles non-stop for one year!

78.23 hectares of forest saved

SDG 15: Life on Land

Since Nazava replaces the need for firewood, we have saved 78.23 hectares of forest. That’s equal to 110 football pitches!

Additionally, since Nazava reduces single use plastic bottles, we reduce plastic waste.

2022 at a Glance


Nazava in Mali

First Shipment to Mali

We had our first shipment to Mali, where our product was successfully piloted by Togo Tile, in the rural community of Tegou


Bootcamp & Pitch Event of WA-KE UP Program

Together with other Kenyan water and sanitation start-ups Nazava was selected to participate in the WASH Accelerator Kenya (WA-KE UP) program. Carried out by cewas and funded by Aqua for All, the program played an important role helping us kickstart our subsidiary in Kenya! In February our co-founder Lieselotte Heederik pitched in front of investors, stakeholders and other social enterprises.


First 10,000 Filters to Ukraine

Thanks to our long term arrangement with UNICEF, we sent 10,000 filters at the start of the war, ensuring Ukrainians have access to safe drinking water. The filters were assembled by Ukrainian refugees who had just arrived in the Netherlands. A big thanks to the Amma Centrum in Zeist, their volunteers, the Ukrainians and especially Wessel Janssen for making it possible to assemble 10,000 filters within a very short period.

World Water Run

The Nazava team ran 235 km for the 2022 World Water Run! The event proved to be a fun team bonding experience all while raising awareness and accelerating change to solve the water crisis!


Miller Center Awards

We are extremely honored and proud that Nazava has received the Social Impact Excellence Award from the Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship! “In recognition of your outstanding leadership and innovation in advancing social entrepreneurship to end global poverty and protect the planet”. Thank you Miller Center for your continuous support!


First Team Buliding Meeting in Kenya!

We organized our first team building meeting in Kenya! Our team in Kenya had a busy and eventful start to 2022, to thank our employees for all their hard work we organized a team building event full of games and team bonding activities.


Onboarding Juhudi Kilimo

In June we onboarded Juhudi Kilimo, one of our MFI partners in Kenya. We went on to sell over 3,300 units with Juhudi Kilimo, providing over 16,000 Kenyans with safe drinking water!


New Headquarters!

We moved our headquarters to a new larger production facility in Bandung, Indonesia. The new facility provides 1000 square meters, allowing us to increase our production capacity by 500% to meet our growing global demand.

World Water Week Stockholm

With the generous support from Danone Communities we were able to showcase the Nazava Water Filter during World Water Week in Stockholm


Nazava in The Care Economy Knowledge Hub

Women who use Nazava save on average three working weeks per year since they no longer need to collect firewood, boil water, and wait for it to cool. Because of our impact on women, Nazava was featured as a case study on the Care Economy Knowledge Hub by Intellecap. Check out our page and business profile here!

To learn more about our impact on rural women read our blog!


ASEAN Inclusive Business Summit

We were very happy to have our Head of Global Partnerships, Steven Ramsey (far right), as a panel speaker at the Fifth ASEAN Inclusive Business Summit in Siem Reap, Cambodia on October 26 and 27. Steven was joined by a diverse panel of inclusive business leaders from across ASEAN who shared innovative models to provide social and municipal services to the base of the income pyramid.

Local Production Begins in Ukraine

Following the first 10,000 filters in March, our partners De Leeuw Kyiv Foundation and Save UA began local production of Nazava Water Filters to continue the mission of providing safe drinking water to Ukrainians.

7th Circular Economy Conference in Nairobi

Nazava’s co-founder Lieselotte Heederik was invited by the Sustainable Inclusive Business Kenya to attend a panel discussion at the 7th Circular Economy Conference in Nairobi. Watch the video to see the full session!

Besides, Nazava was the main provider of drinking water during the conference. Directly reducing the plastic footprint of this big event!


Nazava Attends AidEx Belgium

Nazava co-founder Lieselotte Heederik (left) and Ethiopia Country Manager Anniek Elemans (right) showcased the innovative humanitarian applications of Nazava Water Filters at the AidEx conference in Belgium.

Kenya Country Coordinator Hellen (Left) and Regional Manager Protus (Right) in Climate Adaptation Network

Privaboo Workshop GIZ – Ghana

Nazava was very happy to have been selected to participate in the Private Sector Adaptation Bootcamp (PrivaBoo) by GIZ. The program aims to mobilize investment in private sector solutions for climate change adaptation & resilience. Check out our page on the Climate Adaptation Network! Thank you GIZ for your support!


East Africa Water Conference & Expo: Protus Speaker

Our Kenyan Regional Manager Protus Kipleting was invited to speak at the 7th Annual East Africa Water conference where he talked about challenges and opportunities to securing financing for decentralized WASH solutions.

ETYA employee of the year award in Kenya

Joanne Chebichii (second from right), Nazava’s Area Manager in North Rift region was nominated as a Finalist in the ETYA employee of the year award in Kenya

Dutch Embassy Visit

We were honored with a visit by Natasja van der Geest and Indy from the Dutch Embassy to our factory

Head of Danone Global Waters Visits Our School Program

The success of our Safe Drinking Water for Schools program would not be possible without the generous support of Aqua and Danone Communities. Therefore we were thrilled to welcome Prinz M, Pinakatt Senior VP, Global Head of Danone Waters (top second from left, white shirt) to Indonesia to visit Luginasari Elementary School 208!

Country Stories


Nazava Team Indonesia 2022

While we are a growing social enterprise with an expanding global presence, Indonesia remains our home and largest market. In 2022, our sales through MFI and informal reseller partnerships slowly but surely began to pick up as rural communities continue to recover from the pandemic. Meanwhile we continue to play an active role in the community with our Safe Drinking Water for Schools program and our disaster relief efforts.

Indonesia’s 2022 Highlights

Safe Drinking Water for Schools Program

The lack of safe drinking water at schools remains a major problem in Indonesia. According to UNICEF, nearly 80% of schools do not have access to clean water. As a result, many children either buy sugary drinks from shops outside school, drink contaminated water, or go thirsty at school. This leads to a myriad of health issues such as dehydration, diabetes, and diarrhea. Packaged drinks also contribute to plastic waste at schools.

In 2021, we conducted a pilot project in partnership with Danone-Aqua to provide water filters to 150 primary schools in Lebak Regency, an impoverished region outside of Jakarta. The project was a great success resulting in better hydration, better focus at school, and nearly 35,000 children with drinking water at school! To learn more about the pilot project and the results click here.

In 2022, we continued the success of the project providing safe drinking water to an additional 290 schools in Lebak Regency. In total around 80,000 children in 490 schools in Lebak now have safe drinking water thanks to Nazava. The Safe Drinking Water for Schools program is funded by a combination of contributions from the local government and schools, revenue from carbon credits, and CSR donor funding.

Danone Communities visits Luginasari Elementary School 208, Bandung, Indonesia. (Photo © Sandro di Carlo Darsa / TIGRE)

Our work providing safe drinking water to school children is not over yet! The year ended with the discussions to provide filters to schools in neighboring Pandeglang Regency with the first Nazava Water Filters arriving in January 2023. By 2027 we aim to reach 50,000 schools all over Indonesia, impacting 7.5 million children with safe drinking water at school. To learn more about how you can support safe drinking water at Indonesian schools click here!

The success of the Safe Drinking Water for Schools project this year would not have been made possible without the continued CSR support of Danone Aqua. Therefore we were delighted to welcome the Danone Communities team to one of our schools in December!

MFI Partnerships

Our innovative partnerships with MFIs allow customers that cannot afford the upfront costs of the filters to pay in installments. As MFIs slowly began to recover from the pandemic in 2022 we were happy to see more MFI partners return. This year we signed an MOU giving Syariah Benteng Mikro Indonesia (BMI), giving agents a commission for selling Nazava products to their members. Our team of Safe Water Consultants conducted training sessions with BMI agents at branches across Banten province. As a result of these efforts we saw a 37.5% increase in sales from BMI this year! We would also like to thank Koperasi Syariah Baytul Ikhtiar (Baik) for their continued partnership in 2022. We look forward to onboarding more MFIs in Indonesia as they continue to recover from the pandemic!

Nazava Safe Water Consultant Budiano (top left) gives a product demonstration to BMI staff

Nazava co-founder Lieselotte Heederik (second from left) received the Bayer Social Innovation Award at a ceremony held in The Hague, Netherlands. November 2022.

2022 Bayer Social Innovation Award “Change the Course of Water”

The year ended with a highlight by winning first prize of the 2022 Bayer Social Innovation Award “Change the Course of Water” for the Asia Pacific region! Nazava competed with over 110 enterprises in the multi stage competition which included a public voting period, jury pitch, and culminated in an award ceremony held in The Hague, Netherlands. The €35,000 prize is being used to develop a product line with different colors to make the Nazava Water Filter even more aspirational. Congratulations to the other winners Tusafishe, CPlantae, and Fresh Water Solutions! Special thanks to the Bayer Foundation and the Get in the Ring network for the recognition of our work empowering women with safe drinking water in their house. Most of all, thanks to all of YOU who voted for us!

A look behind the scenes

The important work we do everyday providing safe drinking water would not be possible without the hard working people behind Nazava. Read below to hear the story of one of those people, our Indonesia Country Manager, Syahri Abdillah.

“It makes me extremely proud to see the Nazava team come together to help others in times of need”

Syahri Abdillah (aka Pak Ayie) joined Nazava Water Filters in April 2010, just a few months after the company was founded! Since then he has overseen Nazava Water Filters’ growth from a small social enterprise in a remote corner of Indonesia to a growing global company with sales in over 30 countries. As country manager, Ayie oversees all aspects of the company’s operations from finance, to production, and distribution both within Indonesia and abroad.

Ayie (second from left) with members of Nazava’s production staff.

One of Ayie’s proudest moments with Nazava came at a time when the team had to handle a large-scale shipment to victims of the 2018 earthquake in Palu, Sulawesi, in a very short time period. Thanks to teamwork and effective time management, Nazava successfully delivered over 20,000 water filters to Palu, allowing the people affected by the earthquake to immediately have access to safe drinking water. It’s times like these, when the entire Nazava team comes together to accomplish a shared mission that makes Ayie most happy.

Ayie’s hopes for Nazava are that it continues to grow, providing clean, safe, and affordable drinking water filters for all members of society. Thank you Pak Ayie for all your hard work, we look forward to growing with you!


Kenya Team 2022

We wrapped up 2021 with the first sales of Nazava Water Filters in Kenya, marking the official start of operations for our Kenyan subsidiary. We only had three employees, a shipping container full of water filters from Indonesia, and a plan to provide rural Kenyan mothers with safe drinking water. In 2022 we hit the ground with our innovative sales model to reach rural households! We grew our team to 13 full time staff and 45 part time commissioned sales agents and partnered with four national MFIs. By the end of the year we sold 4009 units, impacting 20,000 rural Kenyans with safe affordable drinking water!

Kenya’s 2022 Highlights

Maximizing our impact with MFI

Key to our success in Kenya is our innovative model working with national banks and MFIs, allowing low income customers to pay in installments. Kenya is home to a robust and competitive MFI landscape. Many banks and MFIs sell a variety of household products to their customers. Some even have dedicated WASH programs. Through our partnerships with Juhudi Kilimo, BIMAS, ECLOF, and Equity Bank, we are able to reach lower income households who cannot afford the US$45 upfront costs. Having access to the MFI lending groups that meet on a regular basis provides a large customer base of low income households. Additionally, sales through MFIs have a high potential for Carbon Credit revenues. This is because many low-income rural households in Kenya rely on burning firewood or charcoal to purify their water.

In Kenya we rely on MFI loan officers and commissioned based sales agents called Safe Water Experts (SWE) to sell our water filters. SWEs are trained by the Nazava sales team and work directly with MFI loan officers and accompany them on their sales visits. SWEs typically visit 2-3 sales groups each day. During the sales meeting, they are given a time slot to introduce the Nazava Water Filters to the group. Interested members then apply to purchase a filter on credit from the MFI. Once the loan is approved by the MFI loan officer, Nazava ships the filter to the customer.

Workflow with MFIs:

Having access to the MFI lending groups and sales meetings is a huge time saver vs door to door sales.

What do Kenyans think of Nazava so far?

They really love Nazava!

In July we conducted a mid-year customer survey to better understand customer needs and measure customer satisfaction. Results showed that our customers are extremely satisfied with their filter! Health, cost savings, and convenience were some of the most commonly cited benefits of using a Nazava Water Filter. Check out the testimonial below to hear from one of our customers!

What motivated you to purchase the Nazava Water Filter?

What other benefits have you experience since using Nazava?

Is there anything else you’d like to share with us?

Customer Testimony

Sharon Keter – Nakuru County, Kenya

“Ever since I purchased my Nazava Water Filter, my kids are healthier.”

Sharon lives in Nakuru County Kenya where she works as a farmer to support her five children. Before using Nazava, she would collect dam and river water which was often dirty and smelly. To purify the water she stayed up late boiling using charcoal which was time consuming. Her children would often complain about the taste of the water and frequently experienced stomach aches due to amoeba and typhoid.

In May 2022, Sharon’s life changed for the better after she started using Nazava to purify her drinking water. She purchased her Nazava Water Filter on credit from Juhudi Kilimo which made it accessible and affordable for her. Now her children are healthier and love the taste of the water. With Nazava she no longer stays up late boiling water and saves around US$ 52 per year on charcoal.

Sharon encourages her friends and neighbors to use Nazava Water Filters to purify their own water. She has started mobilizing people in her village to form a group and purchase Nazava Water Filters either through cash payments or through loans. She is happy to see that now more women in her village are experiencing the same benefits she enjoys from using Nazava.

We are thankful to have received a grant from Aqua for All and business development support from the Private Adaptation Investment Bootcamp (Privaboo) by GIZ. Thank you for your continued support!


We did not start 2022 thinking that 17,000 Nazava filters would end up in Ukraine. However, the escalation of conflict in the country on February 24 resulted in swift action from the Nazava team and our partners in Europe to ensure Ukranians have safe drinking water.

children in ukraine with water filter

The Impact of the War on Safe Drinking Water

The war has had devastating impacts on safe drinking water across Ukraine. Civilian infrastructure, including power and water utilities have been subject to repeated attack. No power means no running water. When temperatures drop, water pipes freeze and rupture causing irreparable damage. Many Soviet era water supply systems were already old and in need of repair and the conflict has only hastened their demise.

As a result, an estimated 13.6 million Ukrainians are without safe drinking water. Many rely on surface water such as lakes and rivers which are heavily polluted. Waterborne diseases represent a hidden threat, especially to children. According to Unicef, children living in protracted conflicts are three times more likely to die from waterborne diseases such as diarrhea and cholera than from violence.

Nazava Water Filters help ensure victims of the conflict have safe drinking water.

Phase one: The first 10,000 filters at the start of the war

Thanks to the extremely hard work of Wessel Janssen and a group of volunteers of the AMMA Centrum in Zeist we were able to quickly deploy 10,000 water filters to Ukraine at the start of the war funded by Unicef.

In order to save time we only shipped the Nazava PROT3CT ceramic filter elements with our DIY kits to the Netherlands. Buckets and other parts were procured in Europe. A team of Ukrainian refugees aided by a group of volunteers from the AMMA center assembled the filters in the town of Zeist, Netherlands. The Ukrainian refugees were paid a fair salary to help assemble the filters and translate instruction manuals into the Ukrainian language. From Zeist the filters were shipped and distributed by Unicef.

Phase two: Local Assembly & Production by IDPs

The work did not stop there. With no immediate end to the war in sight, SAVE UA, our local NGO partner in Ukraine, established a local production facility near the city of Uman in central Ukraine to continue providing water filters from inside the country with help of De Leeuw Kyiv Foundation. We received support from PA International Foundation, Rotary Club Estoi Palace International and Wageningen University to establish a crowdfunding campaign to raise funds for an additional 10,000 filters.

Thanks to generous support from over 700 donors, enough money was raised to send and distribute an additional 7,000 filters to Ukraine. Along with the first 10,000 from Unicef, more than 17600 Nazava Water Filters were in Ukraine by the end of the year, providing safe drinking water to over 80,000 people!

Assembled filters being distributed by Save UA

Humanitarian Response

When disaster strikes, they can destroy or contaminate entire water supplies, increasing the risk of diseases like cholera to which children are particularly vulnerable. Nazava Water Filters are easy to use and require no tools or electricity, making them ideal for use in humanitarian and disaster relief.


Disaster victims can go without a safe drinking water source for months or even years after the disaster, making Nazava a much more sustainable and cost effective solution than handing out bottled water. Our filters come in a variety of sizes and can even be assembled using locally sourced materials using our DIY kit. Our Petrus Filter is lightweight, portable, and a must have for any emergency kit.

Through partnerships with organizations such as Kopernik, Mercy Corps, and Unicef, our filters have been deployed in emergency situations in Indonesia, and around the world. In Ukraine, we work with partners on the ground to assemble filters locally and provide jobs to internally displaced people.

Nazava Water Filters have been deployed in dozens of humanitarian relief efforts including:

Lombok Earthquake 2018

Palu Earthquake 2018

Cyclone Idai, Mozambique 2019

Spotlight: Cianjur Earthquake November 2022

On the 21st of November, a 5.6 magnitude earthquake hit near the city Cianjur, West Java, located just 70 kilometers from our headquarters. While we are thankful that no Nazava staff in the area were affected, and our factory was undamaged, the same cannot be said for the people of Cianjur.

Many of the buildings in the city were damaged and thousands of people were displaced. The Nazava team was quick to act, distributing 200 filters to Earthquake victims. Special thanks to Bandung Independent School for their contribution to the relief effort!

Nazava joins the World Economic Forum’s Humanitarian Impact and Resilience Challenge!

In December, Nazava Water Filters was selected as a top innovator in the Uplink – World Economic Forum’s Humanitarian Impact and Resilience Challenge! In 2023, we look forward to playing a growing role in the humanitarian sector, providing safe drinking water and supporting the economy of vulnerable populations around the world.

To learn more about Nazava’s humanitarian applications and how you can help us provide safe drinking water to those in need click here.

Climate Change and Safe Drinking Water

Did you know that in addition to providing safe drinking water, Nazava Water Filters help fight climate change? Since Nazava replaces the need to boil water on wood, charcoal, or LPG, we reduce carbon emissions.

Each filter is certified by the Gold Standard to reduce 0.29 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per filter per year in Indonesia. In total, we have reduced 232 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions to date! Emission reductions can then be converted to carbon credits which we sell to support our school program and last mile distribution efforts.

Nazava is also a powerful tool in climate change adaptation. This is because climate change affects the quantity and quality of water. Flooding can overwhelm sewage systems, contaminating well and groundwater. Drought lessens the amount of water available, and less dilution leads to increased concentration of contaminants. Thus, with the increasing risk of contamination and water-borne diseases, Nazava’s water filter technology helps households adapt to climate change.

To learn more about our climate change adaptation applications, see our page on GIZ’s Climate Change Adaptation Network.

2030 Impact Goals

By 2030 we aim to be the number one water filter for the base of the income pyramid, impacting 10 million people with safe, affordable drinking water. Towards this goal, our efforts 2023 will focus on:


Doubling our MFI partnerships in Indonesia and Kenya

Expanding our school program to 6 new regencies in Indonesia and begin a new school program in Kenya

Developing new partnerships with NGOs in the humanitarian sphere

Developing our direct sales channel in both Indonesia and Kenya

Develop our e-commerce sales channel in Kenya

Thanks to Our Partners

Creating lasting impact towards safe drinking water access and implementing our innovative model in the field could not have been done without the support of our partners. We’d like to give a special thanks to:

  • Steven White, Pradeep Jotwani and Tony Stayner for your continued mentorship.
  • Jeroen van Overbeek from Social Impakt for providing 3600 families with access to safe drinking water in Bali & Lombok Indonesia;
  • Baytul Ikhtiar and Syariah Benteng Mikro Indonesia for their continued support providing safe drinking water to their rural clients in Indonesia.
  • Juhudi Kilimo for the support providing safe drinking water to their rural clients in Kenya.
  • Cewas, Aqua for All, Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship & Danone Communities for your continued support and mentorship.
  • All the KIVA lenders for providing US$100,000 in loans to support our work in Indonesia and Kenya
  • A BIG thank you to our shareholders’ continued support towards Nazava and making it possible that we now reach half a million people with access to safe drinking water.
  • Wessel Jansen, Dirk Overlaet and the Amma Centrum for their extensive and generous support so we were able to ship 10K filters within 2 weeks
  • Thanks to Emmeke Vierhout who had to flee with her family from Ukraine and spend the entire year helping the Ukrainian people, and who has provided us with tremendous support.
  • Thanks to Rio D. Praaning Prawira Adiningrat for relentlessly rallying for access for clean water and tremendously supporting the fundraising for filters for Ukraine.
  • The Wageningen University Fund provided the crowd-funding platform that enabled us to raise nearly 200,000 euro from 1135 generous donors for the Ukraine.

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