Nazava Water Filters

Company Profile

Safe Drinking Water, for Everyone, Everywhere

Nazava Water Filters PTE LTD is a social enterprise incorporated in Singapore with operations in Kenya & Indonesia. Nazava started as an Indonesian social enterprise but decided to move to Singapore to increase impact at a global scale. Nazava is mentioned in the DBS-NUS list of 100 social enterprises to watch for in Asia.

In 2016 Nazava was semi-finalist in the DBS NUS Social Venture Challenge for Asia. In 2022 Nazava won the top prize in the Bayer Social Innovation Awards for Asia Pacific.

Our Cause

Worldwide, 4.4 billion people do not have access to safe drinking water in their home.

Every year more than half a million children pass away because of a constant exposure to bacteria in dirty drinking water. Especially women spend a lot of time on collecting and treating water. Moreover, this dirty water is more expensive than clean water. In the slums of mega cities like Jakarta you easily pay 5 to 10 times more for water than what you would pay in London. [Source: UN]

Therefore, we target the 4.4 billion people or around 1 billion low-income families that do not have access to safe drinking water in their homes.


We believe that access to clean water should not be defined by economic means. Every single person should be able to afford to protect their family from disease and to live happy, healthy lives.


Everyone everywhere should have access to safe and affordable drinking water. It is our mission to be the world’s premier water filter company of safe and affordable water filters. We focus on marketing the best available water filters for the lowest possible price, especially targeting the base of the (income) pyramid.

By providing safe drinking water, we also tackle climate change, health, poverty, gender equality, and reduce plastic waste (read more about our impact here).  As a social enterprise, we reinvest at least 75% of our profit to achieve sustainability, grow our reach and ensure the fulfillment of our mission.

How we do it

Safest Household Water Filters

Nazava Water Filters works towards its mission by manufacturing and selling the best affordable and safest household water filters to low income households. We enable households to filter their well or tap water without the need to boil or using electricity, hence reducing human diseases, household costs and greenhouse gas emissions.

Since 2009 Nazava Water Filters has provided more than 650,000 people with access to safe drinking water through over 150 resellers in more than 50 locations in Kenya, Indonesia, Ethiopia & Tanzania.

Business Model

Simple and Appropriate Technology

Nazava generates income by selling household drinking water filters to the low-income household. Using a Nazava Water Filter, households can purify their own tap, well, river, or rainwater. The costs of the water filter housings vary from US$18,- to US$39,-. Replacement filter elements cost US$8, (Retail, Indonesia).

All products come with a user manual with clear and simple pictures, an indicator to replace the water filter and a one-year warrantee card.

Our Products

Nazava Water Filter

US$ 30

Nazava XL


Nazava Petrus Water Filter for outdoor and travellers

Petrus Filter


Nazava PROT3CT ceramic water filter element for gravity powered tabletop purifiers

Nazava PROT3CT


Social Impact of 2022

Read more on how Nazava calculates impact on access to water, poverty and the environment here

563,056 people with access to safe drinking water

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Accumulative household savings of 15 million USD

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232,000 Thousand Ton in reduced CO2 Emissions

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US$26 additional income to our resellers

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47,000 working hours saved by women

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Social Return on Investment US$2.90

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& Awards


Tech Award for Technology Benefitting Humanity

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Ashden Award

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Panelist at DBS Foundation Social Enterprise Summit

Learn more (Page 40)


Part of 100 Social Enterprise to Watch

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Nazava issued carbon credits under the Gold Standard

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Bayer Social Innovation Award – Changing the Course of Water

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Uplink World Economic Forum Humanitarian Impact and Resilience Challenge – Top Innovator

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Safe Drinking Water

The filtered water is safe to drink and fulfils the WHO standards. Our filtration technology has been successfully used during the cholera outbreaks in Haiti and Zimbabwe. Test reports of more than 30 laboratories can be checked here.

Cost and Life Saving

The costs of obtaining safe drinking water are high. Boiling water in rural areas and refilling gallons in urban areas remain the most popular options to get safe drinking water.

The Nazava Water Filters are eight times cheaper than buying water and three times cheaper than boiling water.

Besides, per year 6 out of every 1000 children in Indonesia below five die of waterborne diseases such as diarrheas. Boiling water on wood causes enormous amounts of carbon emissions.

Nazava water filters help in fighting diarrheas and when used as an alternative to boiling water they are an effective tool against global warming.

As part of our carbon credit verification process, we are certified to directly impact SDGs 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 13, & 15. Learn more here.

Track Record Nazava Water Filters

Resellers Locations – Indonesia

Nazava has a network of independent resellers all over Indonesia. On average independent resellers increase their monthly earnings by about about 14% (see here) and serve their surrounding communities with safe drinking water. To find a reseller near you click on the map below or contact Wela Utami at [email protected].

Resellers Locations – Worldwide

Project List Nazava

Nazava Water Filters has successfully rounded off the following (international) projects.

Project Description LocationYearClient 
Provision of Water Filters to conflict victimsAceh2010International Organization for Migration, Jakarta
Drinking Water Filters for earthquake victimsWest Sumatra2010Help Germany
Drinking Water Filters for earthquake victimsWest Sumatra2010World Vision Indonesia
Provision of Water Filters to peace-corps volunteersEast Java2010-2016Peace Corps, USA
Drinking Water filters & Training for female headed householdsFlores2012Kopernik Solutions USA
Water Filters and Training for BojonegoroEast Java2012Kopernik Solutions USA
Water for washing and cooking for student housing of UniversityWest Java2013STEI TAZKIA, Bogor
Training and provision of water filters to at risk householdsWest Timor2013Acted, France
Provision of Water FiltersBali2013Salland Grenzeloos, The Netherlands
Water Filters for SchoolsBali2013East-Bali Poverty Project
Training and provision of water filters to poor householdsKalimantan2014Indonesian Red Cross
Provision of water filters to conflicts of the Sinabung Volcano EruptionSumatra2014Kopernik Solutions, USA
Safe drinking water for schoolsTimor, Flores, Sumatra2014Kopernik Solutions, USA
Reduced stunting through improved Household Drinking Water Treatment and Storage in Malang and Sidoarjo Regency.East Java, Indonesia2014-2016Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), Switzerland
Water filters for earthquake victims North Aceh2017Indonesian Red Cross
Water Filters for Vulcano Eruption victimsBali2017Social Impakt
Water Filters for Health Department North LombokLombok2018Health Department North Lombok
Water Filters for earthquake victimsLombok2018MercyCorps, Plan International, Social Impakt, PA foundation, Care, Kopernik and others
Water Filters for earthquake and tsunami victimsPalu, Sulawesi2018-2019MercyCorps, Plan International, PA Foundation,Social Impakt, Care, Kopernik and others
Other Countries
Drinking Water Filters for schools Pakistan2011World bank, USA
Water filters and cooking stoves for refugees Myanmar2014Kopernik Solutions, USA
Water filters for cyclone victimsPhilippines2014Royal Haskoning DHV, The Netherlands
Water filters for UgandaUganda2014Kopernik Solutions, USA
Water filters for earthquake victimsNepal2015PA-CSR
Water filters for MaldivesMaldives2015Maldives Japan Network
Water filters cyclone vitemsMozambique2019Resiliencia Mozambique, Technology for Humanity
Water Filters for War VictimsUkraine2022Unicef, Rotary International, Caritas


Business in Development CompetitionNetherlands2010BID- Network
Nomination for Mansholt -Business Award for Sustainable Entrepreneurship (M-BASE)Netherlands2012Wageningen University
Nokia Health Tech Award-First prizeSillicon Valley, USA2013Tech Museum, San Jose, USA
Water Filtration Price/Performance Value Leadership AwardJakarta, Indonesia2015Frost and Sullivan Indonesia Excellence Awards
Sankalp Indonesia Award for Impact Enterprises-Runner UpJakarta, Indonesia2015SANKALP-Intellecap India
First Prize Ashden Award for Sustainable Energy and WaterLondon, UK2016Ashden
Finalist DBS-NUS Social Venture Competition 2016Singapore2016DBS-NUS Singapore
Third price at IFRC flood innovation competitionJakarta`2017IFRC – International Federation of Red Crosses
DBS-NUS list of 100 social enterprises to watch for in AsiaSingapore2018DBS
Social Impact Excellence AwardSanta Clara, USA2022Miller center for entrepreneurship
Bayer Social Innovation AwardNetherlands 2022Bayer
Uplink - WEF: Humanitarian Impact and Resilience Challenge Top Innovator Geneva, Switzerland2022World Economic Forum 

Water Test Results

For more info on the laboratories results, click here

Lab NameLocationYearWater Source*
City Health DepartmentBanda Aceh, Aceh2010PDAM
Provincial Health DepartmentWest Sumatra2010PDAM
City Health DepartmentBalikpapan, East Kalimantan20,102,011PDAM
Provincial Health DepartmentWest Kalimantan2011Rain, PDAM
Health Department of RegencyBojonegoro, East Java2011Well
Health Department of RegencyBlora, East Java2011Well
Provincial Health DepartmentNorth Sulawesi2012PDAM, Well
City Health DepartmentBogor, West Java2013PDAM
Provincial Health DepartmentLampung2013PDAM
Health Department of RegencyKapuas, Central Kalimantan2013River, Rain
Health Department of RegencyMalang2014Well
Technological Institute of Ministry of HealthMalang, Sidoarjo total of 12 locations2015Well and spring
Bandung Technological Institute5 locations in Indonesia2016Well and spring
UNPAD (Universitas Padjajaran)20 houses in slum2017Well
Own analyses verified by Bureau Veritas 50 locations al over Indonesia2018Well, tap and river
Other Countries
RwandaRwanda Bureau of Standards2014Conditioned
Amhara Health DepartmentEthiopia2019Conditioned
Kenya Bureau of StandardKenya2021Conditioned

For more information, please contact:

Guido van Hofwegen
Co-founder & Director
+62 813 6044 6295

[email protected]

Jl Soreang-Cipatik, No. 147 Blok A4,
Jelegong, West Java, Indonesia, 40911