You need good drinking water to Win. So who will win the Netherlands or Ecuador?

Predicting Netherlands Ecuador based on Access to potable water and sanitation

This will be an exciting match between two of the strongest teams of this group. First a little background. To learn how we make our predictions and for more information on the teams read our previous predictions on the Netherlands and Ecuador.  We rightly predicted a win for the Netherlands but overestimated Qatar. 

Ecuador Country background

Where Netherlands is the 13 richest country in the world  Ecuador ranks 106th just below Indonesia.  The population of Ecuador is 17.8 million the same as the Netherlands. Ecuador is a mountainous country meaning that the Tricolors always train on altitude. This will give them a conditional advantage over the Orange squad that mostly train below sea level. 

Netherlands – Country background.

The Netherlands has never won the World Cup and their current mission will most likely end in tears as well. Football is the most popular sport in the Netherlands but korfball is very popular as well. Korfball is a sort of basketball where boys and girls play together.  This sport is for sure banned in Qatar. 

Percentage of population that can drink from a tap in their house


As we explained before 100 % of households have access to perfectly safe drinking water in the Netherlands. Providing this water is an uphill battle – even if there are no hills in the Netherlands. Dutch surface water is one of the dirtiest in Europe, droughts are increasing and sea water intrusion is an increasing problem. 


67 % can drink water from the tap in their house. Where the Netherlands depend on dirty river water originating in France Belgium and Germany, Ecuador has the marvelously clean water resources available.  As UNDEP states”

Ecuador houses two incredible ecosystems that support the country’s clean freshwater supply: cloud forests and alpine grasslands. These sponge-like ecosystems absorb moisture from glacial snowmelt and low-level fog, filtering pollutants and regulating the outward flow of water. “

So likely in 10 years Ecuador wins this, but for now the winner on water is the Netherlands.

Percentage of households that are connected to a sewer


99% of the population in the Netherlands is connected to a sewage system and that water is treated before it flows into rivers and streams.  Belgium, France and Germany however do not have such sophisticated sewage systems so the water that flows through the Netherlands is still dirty.  Also because rainwater is often drained into the same sewers as poo and piss, sewage spills still happen.  Fish do not like that. 


In Ecuador 42 % of the households have a proper sanitation system and open defecation is only 1 %.  Decent performance for a country in this development stage.  For the indigenous people of Fakcha Llakta, water is considered a living being that guarantees sumak kawsay, or “the good life”. We do not know if the Fakcha Llakta do enjoy high quality sanitation. 

Win for the Netherlands

Percentage of households where you can wash your hands with soap.

Like the other rich countries The Netherlands is not reporting data on hand washing facilities.  The Dutch also hardly wash their hands with soap.  Dutch men are especially filthy. 

Ecuador’s official figure (is 87%)  is very good and the same as the access to water figure. We think that the real figure might be a little lower but for the contest that is irrelevant. 

Result: a clear win for Ecuador

Prediction: Netherlands Ecuador 2-1