Microplastics in drinking water: how Nazava water filters can help
Microplastics are everywhere, in the food we eat, the air we breathe and the water we drink. With Nazava water filters you can reduce your plastic intake and reduce the amount of plastic in the environment.
Microplastic contamination has been found in tap water in countries around the world ( see orbmedia report and related guardian article ) . Nazava has received many questions about this and if Nazava can filter out these fibers.
Can Nazava water filters filter out microfibers?
Yes. The Orb analyses caught particles of more than 2.5 microns in size 6 times larger than the pore size of the Nazava Water filters (0.4 micron)
The ceramic water filter candle used by Nazava has pores of 0.4 micron. Microplastics cannot pass.
Do the plastic containers of Nazava water filters release plastic microfibers?
No. Our water filters are made of PP plastic which is considered a very safe plastic PP plastic does not release anything as long as it is not put in direct sunlight. Many people ask us why we do not use glass for the containers. The answer is simple: glass containers will not survive the shipping, second because glass is much heavier it will take more fuel to transport more tires will emit micro plastics to the environment. Therefore, PP plastic is a more sustainable choice for our water filters.
How do Nazava water filters reduce micro-plastic pollution?
The orb study identifies 6 main sources of microplastic. Using a filter as compared to bottled water reduces two of them
- Tire dust. Cars and trucks emit 20 grams of tire dust for every 100 Kilometer they drive. Water bottles are trucked in over long distances. Nazava eliminates the need for buying water and hence reduces microfibers from tire dust
- Secondary microplastics from water bottles and straws. Water bottles are sometimes recycled but some of them will be washed away and end up in rivers and streams. They will fall apart into microplastics, eaten by fish and end up on your plate.
Take care: water is not the only source of micro plastics as The Guardian writes: “studies in Germany found fibres and fragments in all of the 24 beer brands, microfibers have been found in honey and sugar.” In Paris in 2015, researchers discovered micro plastic falling from the air, which they estimated deposits three to 10 tonnes of fibres on the city each year, and that it was also present in the air in people’s homes.”
Fighting microfibers needs integrated action from many actors. Using a water filter instead of buying water bottles is just one step.